Lesson five

Physical Map of Africa

The Maps below are called PHYSICAL MAPS

A physical map shows the natural features of an area. Examples of natural features are rivers, waterfalls, lakes, mountains and deserts. A physical map shows natural or physical features. In addition to the mountains, rivers and lakes it shows high and low areas.

High and low areas are measured from the level of the sea. Sea level is the height that the sea touches the land. Because the sea is never still, it is measured as the halfway point between high tide and low tide. A place that is on the coast, is at 0 metres above sea level.

A physical map is often coloured or shaded to show the height of the land above sea level. These colours and the heights are shown on a key next to the map.

High mountain peaks may also be labelled with a spot height on a map. Can you spot them on the picture below?

Answer the following questions based on the Key:

This information and picture below was taken from your textbook. http://itsi.ksbedu.co.za/educator/console/books/book-521e9feb-f4fd-4fc2-8cef-872dba920bbe/xhtml/fileP70004861020000000000000000000CB.xhtml 

Please watch the following video that shows main PHYSICAL FEATURES found in Africa. We will take a look at ten of these in detail tomorrow.

In the video, you will notice the following features. 

!!! Activity 1 !!!

You have 2 activities to complete for this lesson. A worksheet and a quiz.

!!! Activity 2 !!!

2. Complete the Quiz inside Google Classroom called, "Gr 5. Map Skills. Revision Quiz 1". This is for marks so please apply yourself to the best of your ability. 


If you have completed all the above, then you can complete this Quizzes Activity. It will be very challenging. Please use the Africa map on the back wall to help you! :) Have fun!