Lesson two

Compass Directions

Lesson Two has two videos and 2 sets of activity sheets to complete. When you are finished, there are extension activities to try out. 

To start, watch the videos below to learn about how a compass works and how to label the 8 points on the compass. 

!!! Activity 1 Time !!!

You have two worksheets complete for this lesson.

Complete the Compass Rose and Escape from Maptown Zoo. Please stick with worksheets into your books first. Write today's date at the top of the worksheets and then complete them.

!!! Activity 2 Time !!!

Complete the activity sheet called Maptown of Maptown Zoo below in your books. Please stick with worksheets into your books first. Remember that glue only goes in the centre of the book! Trim the pages before you stick them in. Write today's date at the top of the worksheet.

You will notice that this worksheet has an "extension" section. This means something extra that will stretch you. If you finish the rest of the worksheet and want to try the exetension, then you will need to watch the video below first. (Extension activities are not compulsory, but should be done if you are finished with your work and waiting for your friends to finish.)


Watch the video below to learn about the 16 points in the compass. Watch the  them all.  below and then get one of the worksheets from the classroom to complete. 


If you have completed all the above, then you can complete this Educandy Activity to help you learn the 8 compass directions.