Starting secondary school can be a very exciting and, at the same time, overwhelming experience and we understand that you will have lots of questions that you would like answered. We have put together some answers to frequently asked questions from our current Year 7 pupils before they started secondary school.

What are Small Schools? Will I be with my friends?

A: Small schools are made up of tutor groups of students from Years 7- 11. They are named after three famous STEM role models, Easley, Franklin and Turing, to reflect our STEM specialism. 

Students are not always placed in tutor groups or small schools alongside their friends from primary school. If this is the case try not to worry as it’s likely that you’ll see old friends during break and lunchtimes and even in your subject lessons. This new beginning is the perfect opportunity to start to make new friends too. 

What happens if I get lost around the school?

A: The Halley Academy is a very big site therefore it is normal to take a bit of time to familiarise with the layout. It will become easier to navigate once you settle in. During your induction you will be given a tour around the academy to familiarise yourself with school. You will also be given a timetable so you will know where all your classes are. If you are not sure where your lesson is, simply ask an older student or knock on a door and ask a member of staff. Everyone will be pleased to help you.

What happens if I am late?

A: Punctuality is important. You need to be in the academy before 8:25a.m. every morning.  If you do arrive late, without a valid reason, you will have a Loss Of Personal Time (detention) at the end of the school day, organised by your small school. 

How much homework will I get? What happens if I forget my homework?

A: Homework is set in a variety of different forms and your teachers will introduce this to you when you get to the academy in September.  If you forget your homework, without a valid reason, it can also lead to Loss Of Personal Time.  

Who can I go to if I need help?

A: If you are ever in need of help you can speak to your class teacher, form tutor, and your small school. Every member of staff is willing to help.

What type of food can I buy in the canteen?

A: You can buy a variety of freshly made food from roast chicken, to pizza. We also offer vegetarian and halal options, look out for the signs or simply ask the staff.

How do I pay for my food?

A: The Halley academy operates a cashless system which means that you do not need to bring money in with you. Your parents/carers will receive communication with account activation details from us on how to use ParentPay.

Am I allowed to bring my phone to school?

A: The Halley Academy is a no phone zone. If you do decide to bring in a phone this must be switched off and in your bag.  Where students have mobile phones out, they will be confiscated and a Loss of Personal Time will be set.  

Am I allowed to wear jewellery?

A: Only one pair of small stud earrings are to be worn (other piercings are not permitted to be worn in the academy). You can also wear a simple wrist watch (smart watches are not allowed).

How can I make new friends?

A: When you join us in September you will be put into a tutor group where you will enjoy a number of "getting to know you" activities. You will also have the opportunity to make new friends in your classes. We would also strongly advise you to join one of our many clubs. This is a great way of making new friends and learning new skills.