Year 6

Some quotes from our current Year 7s at the start of the academic year

'The orienteering task was a fun way to explore the playground.'

'I was really nervous about starting secondary school but now I feel like I've been here for a long time.'

'Secondary life is more exciting than primary school.'

'I liked the booklet because I was too shy to say things but I could write them down instead.'

'One thing I enjoyed about the induction day was getting to know fun facts about people.'

Some people could feel worried. This is normal with change.

Transitioning from primary to secondary school is a massive change and we want to do everything we can to prepare you for the challenges you might face. 

This video has been put together to put your mind at rest and to let you know that you are not alone on this journey. 

Two Halley Academy students are pictured sitting together outside during a lunch break, talking to one another.
A photo of the outside of The Halley Academy building.
A Halley Academy student is pictured sitting at a desk with a pen in his hand, whilst paying attention in a Science class.