A message from Ms S. Wilson, Director of Inclusion/ SENCo

The Halley Academy is proud to be a mixed and inclusive academy. Students have a wide range of abilities and skills, and we celebrate the achievements and progress of all. We use our best endeavours to meet the needs of students who require additional support with their academic or social and emotional development, and are proud of our successful Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision, including The Infinity Hub (Designated Specialist Provision) for Autistic students. We provide for and support students identified as having a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We believe that provision for students identified as having SEND is a whole academy responsibility requiring a whole academy response, involving all staff, both teaching and support. At The Halley Academy, all teachers are teachers of students with SEND. All teaching staff have access to the academy’s SEND Teaching and Learning Tracker, together with information on the needs of individual students and suggested strategies that enable them to plan their lessons accordingly. We ensure that all staff know and understand the needs of our students, and staff have access to training, advice and resources to enable them to contribute to developing fully inclusive practice. 

Furthermore, we have a team of experienced and highly skilled Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who support our students with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) in lessons, and deliver specific programmes and interventions to support the learning and personal development of children identified as having SEND, and additional educational needs.

In addition, The Halley Academy works closely with the following external services to support students identified as having SEND:

Once students in Year 7 with SEND start at the academy, The Halley Academy Inclusion Team ensures students have access to our successful breakfast and breaktime clubs which are facilitated by the LSAs, and provide excellent opportunities to develop a range of friendships and ask questions. 

In addition, the LSAs also provide an independent learning session at the end of every day in the inclusion area where students can receive support or ask questions.

The Halley Academy Inclusion Team also delivers the following intervention sessions which students are matched to, based on their ongoing needs: