About/Plant Dill

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Seeds Grown in Kansas USA - Help A Non-profit +30 Plus seeds.

Hand Packaged with Care by our Participants Program - Students 18-21 on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The program prepares students for post-secondary opportunities, such as living independently, obtaining a job, navigating the community, and accessing local resources. 100% of the sales support this program. 

I do not use chemicals on my plants, only clean water, and air. So they are 100% natural. All seeds are heirlooms and have no GMOs. 

I'm donating the sale to the non-profit group The Gifted Learning Project. Let me know if you have any questions. Each year I pick the seeds from the best and save them for next year. Extra seeds I donate for sale here to help the non-profit group The Gifted Learning Project, which helps people overcome their disabilities with their gifts. Each year I have extra, I only need a hand full, so I donate them to the non-profit for this sale. One to help the non-profit, and two to help others start gardens with great-tasting home-grown fruit. A win/win. 

Thank you for looking! - Email me If you have any questions. Family, eBay buyers, and friends have good luck with my seeds. All heirloom seeds are non-GMO. Free shipping. Seeds Grown in Kansas.

Supported by SARE ORG - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Project and The Gifted Learning Project.

 The 18-21 transition program is designed for young adults who have completed high school requirements for graduation but need additional help to prepare for adult life. The community-based program provides a curriculum tailored to these moderately to severely disabled. It seeks to engage the participants with meaningful, hands-on activities consistent with their ability level. Individuals will develop skills in the areas of career and life management. Components of the program include community-based life skill instruction, work settings, and social skill instruction. 

HOW TO PLANT Old German Dill Seeds

Old German Dill (Anethum graveolens var. germamicum) is a popular herb that is easy to grow and produces flavorful foliage and seeds used in various culinary dishes. Here are the basic steps for planting Old German Dill seeds:

It is rich in flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Dill also improves heart health for other reasons. Research on animals shows that dill can also reduce LDL-cholesterol levels.

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