
If the quote has not been updated here, click here to reflect on the meaning of a new quote and how you can use it build positive habits.

BRAIN BOOST CHALLENGE! Share a positive quote with your class or teacher for points! It may even be featured here!


'Enjoy the journey and try to get better everyday. And don't lose the passion and love for what you do.'

Nadia Comaneci - Former Gymnast Gold Medalist

The quote means that life is like a journey where we should try to improve ourselves every day and keep our enthusiasm for what we love doing. It's about enjoying the process of getting better and staying passionate about our interests and goals. 


'Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.'

Steve Jobs - Entrepreneur and Inventor

This quote suggests that we should set a high standard for quality. Imagine being the best example of doing things really well. Some people might not be used to a place where everyone aims to be excellent at what they do. This links nicely to the assembly on achievement this week, where one example was achieving mastery in what you do, as well as our motto: 'Achieving Excellence'.

'You're never too important to be nice to people'

Jon Batiste - Singer/Songwriter

This quote means that no matter how important or successful you become, it's always important to treat other people with kindness and respect. In other words, don't let your success or status make you arrogant or rude to others. Being nice to people should always be a priority. 

'Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small moments.'

Phillip Brooks - Clergyman and Author

This quote teaches us that our character is not just about how we act in big moments; it's also about the small moments in our daily lives. Being a good person is not just about doing something great once, but about making good choices every day. Being kind, honest, and never giving up, even in small situations, helps build our character and shows who we truly are. So, let's remember that our actions, no matter how small, shape the kind of person we become, and strive to be our best selves in all the moments of our lives.

'When you choose to collect experiences rather than things you never ever run out of storage space.'

Joshua Becker - Author, Writer, Philanthropist, Pastor

This quote means that when you prioritize gathering memories and experiences over acquiring material possessions, you'll never have to worry about running out of space to store those experiences in your life. It emphasizes that memories and experiences are more valuable than physical things and don't clutter your life.