Google School

G Suite for Education is used across the curriculum

We use G Suite for Education - a set of education productivity tools from Google including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Slides, Classroom. You will use your G Suite accounts to complete assignments, homework and can communicate with your teachers.

Google Drive contains all the electronic work that you complete in school. By logging in at home, using the same login as at school, you can continue working on projects started in school, using one of the main apps of G Suite such as Google Classroom, Slides & Docs.

Google Chrome

You will need this to login to your school account. You can use a chromebook, windows machine or a mac, but you must use this browser!

Google Drive

Your drive is where all your work is saved. You can access it wherever you login with your school account. Any document you work on is automatically saved.

Google Classroom

This app is used by your teachers to set work for you. You will use it to complete and hand in your assignments by their deadline.

Google Docs

This app is your word processor (like Microsoft Word). You can use it to type documents such as essays or write up notes so they can be easily read

Google Slides

This app is for presentations (like Microsoft Powerpoint) It allows you to easily present information in a format that can include text, pictures, videos and much more.

Google Sheets

This app is your spreadsheet app (like Microsoft Excel) and will allow you to create tables, graphs and manipulate numbers

To familiarise yourself with how to use Google - please use the video tutorials on this page.