TPHS Careers

A career is the sequence and variety of work roles, paid and unpaid, that a person undertakes throughout a lifetime. More broadly, ‘career’ embraces life roles in the home and the community, leisure activities, learning and work. Work, learning and life, though sometimes distinct, are closely intertwined. Everyone has a career. 

Career Education and Guidance in New Zealand Schools (2009)

Te Puke High School Career Journey

Te Puke High School has three Careers Advisors available for appointments:

Mrs Burggraaf 

Miss Mapp 

Miss Farquhar


If you wish to make an appointment please come to the Careers Department and make an appointment.

For daily information and up to date adverts please 'like' our Facebook page - "Te Puke High School Careers".  This page is a where we will put any notices about jobs, University and Polytechnic visits and any other relevant information.