GAP year information

Gap Year

Most have heard of gap years, many have debated it, but few actually understand it. In reality, a gap year is simply a year, or even less, taken out of formal education.

The year you choose to do this may occur during the transition from secondary school to tertiary education, or even after completing all formal education but before entering the workforce. Regardless of when it occurs, there are many options for gap years that include travel, work or volunteering.

For an excellent overview of taking a gap year, what type of things you can do, including the advantages and disadvantages of taking time away from study, go to this link at Careers NZ.

AFS NZ provides a wraparound service, before, during and after exchanges.

A one stop shop for student exchanges, overseas volunteer experiences (Go Kiwi Go), international students, (Study Your Way) teacher exchanges (Educational Advantage) and the Ministry of Education Language Immersion Awards (LIA).

With no application fees, excellent pre-departure and return orientation, and a focus on intercultural learning, AFS provides life changing travel opportunities in a safe, supported environment.

Do you want to miss the NZ Winter & have the best summer of your life teaching kids new things at Summer Camps across USA with Camp America?

If you are into sport, or the outdoors, fit, healthy, and you like working with kids, then this could be the best O.E. you’ll ever have! Your CV will thank you too!

This is your chance to spend your summer doing something totally different and unique!

Whether your dream is to work at a world-class ski resort in Canada, serve lattes in the Big Apple, teach at a US Summer Camp, undertake the classic UK OE, the IEP says that they have the working holiday for you.

They offer a wide range of services including visa assistance, in-country support, job placement before you go – and more. For help with all the planning and preparation so that you can get more fun and less stress out of your overseas experience visit the IEP website.

Lattitude Global Volunteering is a Gap Year charity that has a huge range of opportunities available for 17 – 25-year-olds. They cover countries across the globe

Why volunteer? Volunteering overseas can benefit you enormously. You will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare you for continued education, employment, and adult life.

It will give you the point of difference that will make you stand out from the crowd. The skills you pick up look great on your CV, and will aid you not just in joining tertiary studies or the workforce, but in all your future pursuits.

STS Education is one of the world’s leading organisations for language training and international youth exchange. They are proud of their unique, worldwide network of staff. Long experience and sensitivity to each customer’s needs and preferences are the main reasons behind their success. Quality has always been one of STS’s core values. They also have a helpful page covering 12 Tips on how to get the most out of your exchange. This information has been compiled by students who have used STS. Look here for Scholarships and discounts.

Tutors Worldwide is very popular among school leavers, (and also recent graduates), as it offers the opportunity to experience life in another culture, to travel extensively, to make new friends and to gain genuine life experience.

They have now combined operations with those of Letz Live has led to even greater opportunities in more diverse destinations.

Ultimate OE is a New Zealand based company that specializes in placing young Kiwis in outdoor-based industry jobs all over Canada. Our applicants graduate from a rigorous, industry-specific training course at home before we partner them with a trusted Canadian employer.

Our program produces skilled graduates which in turn allows us to place the graduates in the most exciting and distinguished companies within the outdoor industry. We place graduates in all types of outdoor-based industries including hunting, ranching, guest ranching and agriculture. We offer both Gap Year experiences as well as employment placements that can lead to future opportunities.