
Self Awareness

TPHS students need to be able to understand themselves and the influences on them.

In Careers we aim to assist students to:

  • build and maintain a positive self-concept

  • interact positively and effectively with others

  • change and grow throughout life.

In school, at home and in the community, young people observe, explore and comment on the world around them in order to make sense of it. They test themselves in a variety of ways and discover their capabilities and limitations. They discover the unique characteristics that help them define their self-image. They learn to work positively and co-operatively with diverse people, and explore and develop their understanding of the values that will help shape their lives.

Career education and guidance builds on students' knowledge of themselves and their potential for development. It helps students identify their special and distinctive characteristics – their interests, skills, values and personal qualities – and consider them in relation to the lives they have and want to have.

Career education and guidance needs to take account of the social and cultural contexts of students. Students need to be able to feel pride in their cultural identity as part of developing confidence in who they are and thinking about their future.

Build and maintain a positive self-concept

This career competency is mainly about:

  • knowing who we are - our interests, skills, qualities, and cultural and personal values

  • understanding how to develop our capabilities and interests

  • demonstrating behaviours that reflect a positive attitude about ourselves

  • understanding what influences our behaviours and attitudes

  • building the understanding and ability to give and receive feedback.

Interact positively and effectively with others

This career competency is mainly about:

  • interpersonal and group communication skills

  • wanting to help, work, or collaborate with others

  • being able to relate to people of diverse cultures appropriately

  • understanding the importance of positive relationships in our lives

  • being able to express ideas and personal feelings in an appropriate manner

  • knowing how to deal with peer pressure and solve interpersonal problems.

Change and grow throughout life

This career competency is mainly about:

  • understanding that our motivations and aspirations will change as we go through physical and psychological changes

  • being aware of how mental and physical health impact our decisions

  • knowing how to adapt to changes in all areas of our lives

  • knowing when to ask for help and how to go about it.