Deciding and Acting

TPHS students need to be able to make and adjust their plans, to manage change and transition, and to take appropriate action.

TPHS Careers assist students to:

  • make life- and career- enhancing decisions

  • make and review learning and career plans

  • act appropriately to manage their own careers

Students need to understand the importance and the likely consequences of the choices they make, now and in the future. They should understand the processes they apply when they make decisions in all aspects of their lives and become aware that they will be managing change and transition throughout their lives.

Career education and guidance raises students' competence in planning and decision making. Students learn to be prepared to take risks, to follow up on opportunities, to be flexible and responsive to change, and to find alternatives when faced with setbacks.

Career education and guidance needs to take account of the different ways students and their families and whānau make decisions. It is important for students, family, and whānau that they are all involved in decisions about learning and career pathways at the right times and in ways that are right for them.

Make life- and career- enhancing decisions

This career competency is mainly about:

  • understanding that our career path reflects a series of choices

  • being able to explore alternatives in decision-making situations

  • demonstrating the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to assess life, learning, and work opportunities

  • being aware of what might make it hard to attain our goals and developing strategies to overcome problems

  • being able to evaluate the impact of our decisions on ourselves and others.

Make and review learning and career plans

This career competencies is mainly about:

  • understanding the importance of setting goals

  • being able to set ambitious but realistic career goals

  • being able to develop and implement short-term plans

  • being able to revisit career plans on a regular basis

Act appropriately to manage their careers

This career competency is mainly about:

  • understanding how positive attitudes are important to our career-building process

  • knowing how to apply coping strategies during transitions periods

  • applying for and securing places in chosen learning or work situations

  • communicating effectively in portfolios, applications, CVs, and face-to-face interactions