We have four main rules in our classroom. These rules are based on the four virtues of our classical education. When first learning these rules at the beginning of the year, we examine a variety of behaviors that we label either "green choices" (positive) or "red choices" (negative). All year, we encourage children to make "green choices" to help them be virtuous students.

1.Be safe. (Temperance)

2. Be a good listener. (Prudence)

3. Be kind. (Justice)

4. Try your best. (Fortitude)


In TK, we rely heavily on positive reinforcement. Classroom rules, choices, and expectations are modeled and discussed daily. Students can earn compliments, shout-outs, small food items, stickers, VIP (Virtues in Practice) tickets, and VIP postcards to encourage them to do the right thing. VIP tickets can be used once a month to "purchase" toys at the school store. VIP postcards will be mailed home and will also be entered in a weekly drawing to win a pizza lunch with the lower school dean.


In TK, a major part of our curriculum is learning social-emotional skills. Students will be taught how to recognize each of their emotions and how to respond appropriately to each of these emotions. All negative behavior will be dealt with natural consequences. Students will be redirected when off task. Conversations will be held with students who display negative behaviors so that they learn how to make better choices in the future. We also utilize a "calming corner" to give students a break away from the rest of the class when needed.