AJROTC Conover 


Click the link to access the Conover website.

Just like the Cadet Portfolio, Cadets will maintain their profiles throughout their enrollment in the SHHS JROTC program.

The purpose for the AJROTC Conover Company site is to learn about social and emotional learning.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is our ability to read, understand, and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. Unlike other types of learning, SEL does not follow a linear development process; instead, these skills become more important as the need presents itself. One example of this is motivation. Motivation is usually triggered by a deep desire to achieve or accomplish something. This desire to achieve something leads to goal setting. 

Research at Harvard and other research centers shows that, for young boys in particular, the frontal part of the brain, or frontal lobe, that controls the goal-setting process does not develop until the teen years. It is also known that without a goal, critical SEL skills like motivation, commitment and time management are not needed and, consequently, not developed. Attempting to teach these skills to young boys before their brains are fully developed and before they are ready to use these skills only results in frustration and failure, but this is what often happens.

If you want to be successful in developing social/emotional learning skills in the lives of the individuals you work with, you need a different strategy. Instead of trying to address the symptoms (like bullying or bad grades), you need to address the root of the problem.

Just like the Cadet Portfolio, Cadets will maintain their profiles throughout their enrollment in the SHHS JROTC program.

Building Blocks of Social and Emotional Development and Social and Emotional Intelligence

To understand the core abilities of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) or Emotional Intelligence (EQ), you must begin with an understanding of core abilities that are related to personal success. These key skills serve as a foundation for all learning, similar to building blocks. While the six SEL building blocks focus primarily on personal growth and development, they consequently help us to strengthen our interpersonal relationships as well. Developing EQ helps decrease bullying, promote anger management, and increase self-determination. Developing these skills helps build stronger students today, and more successful leaders tomorrow.