Student Voice

There are some sentences that I liked the most in the video, which I think prevails the main idea all through the video. Simply the student voices in this video underlines the fact that there is an opinionated view in education in general and now the youth wants it to be changed. Students highly value the fact that they are encouraged in making decisions about their own education in these lines "They're seeing a different point of view-not the adults' point but the students' point", "A window for students to be part of the decision making; to feel like they have been heard in our education system", or one of the girls add "These decisions we are making will affect us so I think we should have our input as to what happens to us."

These are all very powerful words and show us that our students are ready to take responsibility for their own learning. That's why involving them into decision making is vital for their success in the long run since the learning is not limited to school education but instead should be conceived as a lifelong experience. As teachers our role should be to guide them in their journey of learning and listen to them when they need to be heard.