
This is the system by which you can pay for any and all school-related payments, whether it is for a school trip or purchasing school-branded clothing! It is convenient, paperless and quick! You just have to set up an account once and then you can use this throughout your child's scholastic time with the TDSB.

As with any paperless system, it has it's glitches and sometimes the payment you need to make doesn't seem to have an option open in SchoolCashOnline! So, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me right away!

And please be aware that cash payments are always ok! Your child's name and the amount are recorded by me and then submitted to the office. However, SchoolCashOnline is the preferred method as it places money directly into a safe and secure repository accessible only by the proper staff, so we do encourage it's use!

I have included the instructions below AND a link to the PDF version so that you can save it and check it out at a later date.

SchoolCashOnline Account Login

Parent/Guardian Reference Guide

To register, please click on to begin.

Select the "Get Started Now" and follow the instructions to set up your account

After you receive the confirmation email, select the "click" option, Log in and add each of your children to your household account.

Now, any payments can be processed through this tool!

SchoolCashOnline Registration Steps - PDF version of instructions