Dance Courses

ATC10:  Grade 9 Comprehensive Dance

This course requires students to develop their dance skills and learn the theoretical basis for communicating through movement. Student learning includes creating dance; scientific and safety principles, the historical development of dance; the development of an aesthetic appreciation of dance by participating in dance class, rehearsals, and performances; and the specialized vocabulary of dance criticism.

In dance, the medium of expression is movement and the instrument is the human body.  Dance education goes beyond studying a repertoire of movements to offering an understanding of the principles and concepts that govern and define the art.  Expectations are organized into three strands: Theory, Creation and Analysis.

(Prerequisites:  none)

ATC20:  Grade 10 Comprehensive Dance

This course requires students to develop their dance skills and learn the theoretical basis for communicating through movement. Student learning includes creating dance; scientific and safety principles, the historical development of dance; the development of an aesthetic appreciation of dance by participating in dance class, rehearsals, and performances; and the specialized vocabulary of dance criticism.

(Prerequisites:  none)

ATC3M:  Grade 11 Comprehensive Dance 

This course emphasizes the development of students’ artistry, improvisational and compositional skills, and technical proficiency in dance genres from around the world. Students will apply dance elements, techniques, and tools in a variety of ways, including performance situations; describe and model responsible practices related to the dance environment; and reflect on how the study of dance affects personal and artistic development. 

(Prerequisites:  ATC1O or ATC2O)

ATC4M:  Grade 12 Comprehensive Dance 

This course emphasizes the development of students’ technical proficiency, fluency in the language of movement in dance genres from around the world, and understanding of dance science. Students will explain the social, cultural, and historical contexts of dance; apply the creative process through the art of dance in a variety of ways; and exhibit an understanding of the purpose and possibilities of continuing engagement in the arts as a lifelong learner. 

(Prerequisites:  ATC3M)