TDSB Cannabis Misuse Prevention


With the legalization of non-medical cannabis, it is imperative that we provide accurate, non-judgemental information to youth, parents/caregivers, and other adult allies. Research suggests that youth who have supportive parents, teachers and other adults in their lives are less likely to misuse cannabis.

The lessons on this page have been created by TDSB teachers to align with the Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum. In addition to providing information about cannabis, these lessons are designed to promote wellness and mental health, and build resilience and coping skills.

While there is a lot of new information surfacing about cannabis, there are also a lot of unknowns. It is important to work together with experts to provide the most accurate information as the cannabis landscape continues to change over the next few years. A list of resources has been provided and can be found here.


  • Promote substance misuse prevention and coping strategies among youth
  • Provide accurate information to school staff promoting cannabis literacy
  • Share relevant resources, tools, and curriculum supports
  • Build capacity and increase comfort for school staff to create and continue open and non-judgmental conversations with youth
  • Clarify new policies and laws in Ontario and Canada

Lesson Plans by Grade