Grade 8


Education is critical to the prevention of drug abuse. Parents, guardians, educators, and society in general all have key roles to play in educating students about drug use, misuse, and abuse. The learning expectations related to substance use and abuse respond to these facts by focusing on an understanding of the effects of drugs – prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, illicit drugs, tobacco, and alcohol – and the consequences of their use. The lessons below will give students a better understanding of the short and long terms effects of cannabis use. Students will reflect upon their own decision making processes in order to make informed decisions. Activities set out throughout these lessons provide students the opportunity to reflect upon how they would respond to social interactions involving potential cannabis use and how they could educate their peers regarding the dangers of early cannabis use.

Curriculum Expectations

Overall Expectations

C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development.

C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being.

C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations

C1.3 identify and describe the warning signs of substance misuse or abuse, addictions, and related behaviours (e.g., changes in behaviour, gradual withdrawal from social circles, a drop in academic performance) and the consequences that can occur (e.g., aggressive behaviours related to alcohol use that can lead to gender-based violence, dating violence, or sexual assault; financial problems resulting from online gambling; overdose as a result of misuse of prescription medications, including pain relievers; inability to make good decisions as a result of drug use; binge drinking and alcohol poisoning; injury, death, or legal charges resulting from accidents caused by impaired driving; self harming behaviours, including cutting, related to mental illnesses such as depression that are exacerbated by substance abuse; fetal alcohol spectrum disorder [FASD] in children as a result of alcohol abuse by the mother during pregnancy)

C2.2 demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers (e.g., getting into a car with a stranger or an impaired, unlicensed, or inexperienced driver; dependencies or coercion in dating relationships; joining gangs; participating in violence; attending a party where alcohol or drugs are being used; using cosmetic procedures or treatments such as piercing, tattooing, crash diets, or artificial tanning that involve potential health risks), and apply strategies for avoiding dangerous situations [CT]