Student testimonials

student testimonials

Former students share their Greenwood experiences and tell us where they are now in their journey.

“I am thankful for the teachers at Greenwood. Their kindness and understanding of the diverse student population foster a positive community for new Canadians and provide the blueprint towards achieving ones’ dreams.”

-Erald from Albania (2005-2006).

"I went on to coach professional football around the world and am currently completing a Masters of Education."


“My journey at Greenwood is probably one of the happiest times of my life. Bundle of unforgettable moments to remember. It was surely a learning experience for me. The confidence and courage, the school and the teachers gave me I couldn’t get anywhere else from anyone. The school has given me so many opportunities and encouraged me to achieve my best. One thing I truly admire about this school is that they allow every student to prove who they are and what their uniqueness is. After leaving Greenwood, when I entered my first high school, I did not fear overcoming my future challenges. As Greenwood has given me so much and I have obtained a suitcase of experiences to carry with me. Greenwood was my first step in my progress toward success and will always remain to be one of the best chapters of my life.”

-Minha from Sri Lanka

"I graduated this year from David & Mary Thomson and have applied to university for Life Sciences."

"As I moved on to another TDSB school, I realized that I was well-prepared for the Canadian educational system, thanks to the teachers and the curriculum followed at Greenwood. I am now in my final year of high school, starting university next year."

-Alissa from Pakistan (2019-2020)

"I am graduating this year from Victoria Park Collegiate and will begin Accounting at York University in September."


"My experience in Greenwood taught me a lot, especially in a way wherein I learned to trust the progress of speaking. Greenwood was once my home because the community is very healthy and people always encourage you to be at your best. As a newcomer to Canada, they helped me overcome my fears of speaking in front of people. They prepared me to be a more responsible individual and a more progressive student."

-Arissa from the Philippines


"I am studying now at DCTI"


"Greenwood was my first school in Canada where I started my learning journey in 2014. I have a lot of good memories from Greenwood. All that I learned as a newcomer in Greenwood was not possible to learn in another high school. I studied Electrical Engineering and finished my final exams last Friday, April, 22,2022. Now I am waiting for my graduation ceremony in June. Besides my studies, I was able to work full time in my family business running one of the Circle K locations."

-Idrees, from Afghanistan

"My time at Greenwood was a turning point in my life. It was my second year in Canada when I came to Greenwood. The previous year had been pretty hard for me and my confidence was at an all-time low. Since I got pretty bad grades in grade 8, I was anxious about the upcoming high school experience. Contrary to my expectations, I did pretty well in Greenwood and became as talkative and cheerful as I was back home in Pakistan. My English skills improved a lot due to taking all those ESL classes, especially ESL-E. My love for reading also began in Greenwood. I was assigned the novella, "Him standing" by Richard Wagamese for an assignment. The reading level wasn't so high so I was able to read it pretty easily. The fact that I could actually understand what I am reading made it even more interesting and fun. The last 6 months at Greenwood were especially memorable and precious for me, as I made a lot of friends and formed a great relationship with every teacher I met. I miss having fun in the class. I miss playing badminton during lunch breaks. I miss volunteering every Wednesday. I miss the fun and helpful teaching environment. I miss everything about Greenwood! I had been to 7 schools throughout my life (including elementary, middle, and high). I love and miss only two. Greenwood is one of them! My experience at Greenwood helped me immensely for the difficult journey I went through in Grade 11 and 12, during Covid-19! I have 2 more months till this journey ends and another begins, till then, peace out."

-Hamed from Pakistan


"I am currently finishing high school in Ajax and have applied to Ontario Tech for Finance and Accounting."