
(Including Summer Enrichment)

Job Shadow Day - Careers in Finance - February 14 2024.pdf

If you a re a female-identifying student or gender-diverse, you are welcome to sign up for this full-day workshop and job shadowing. You get to learn from strong women in finance and network with them; it's a great opportunity to make connections and kick-start your future!

This takes place in Toronto on April 16th! Registration is open and closes March 22nd.

More information and registration here!

1UP Conference 2024 - February 13 2024.pdf

This is a great (and free) opportunity for high school students aspiring to become city builders and community changemakers. If you're curious about urban planning and architecture, art and design, engineering and technology, and community development, or just want to get more involved outside of school, this is a great opportunity!

March 23-24!

More information here!

Youth in Policing - Summer 2024 Media Job Poster.pdf

Deadline to apply is January 21st, 2024. There are four info sessions before the deadline! Check out more information here.

The Summer Mentorship Program (SMP) gives high school students of Indigenous or African ancestry a chance to explore health sciences at the University of Toronto over four weeks in July. You will:

The link to the application is here: temertymedicine.utoronto.ca/how-apply-smp 

What you learn

If you participate in the program, you will gain skills to help you further your academic and professional career. You’ll get to try your hand at a variety of health science professions, including medicine, dentistry, kinesiology, medical radiation sciences, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and social work. You’ll need to complete various exercises and assignments with your teacher during the four-week program.

You will also be connected to a student-mentor who is studying in a health science field of interest to you. You’ll meet the mentors at the beginning of the program, and you’ll be encouraged to continue the relationship once the program is completed. You’ll also be able to connect with and learn from various health professionals to give you deeper insight into a variety of health science careers.

We want to provide you with the skills you need to be a successful student and professional. The health sciences are a broad field with a vast range of career opportunities and we’re here to help you find a career that’s right for you.

What you earn

Students who attend a provincially funded Ontario school can earn a credit in Science, Grade 12 University/College Preparation (SNC 4M). That’s a credit that will be applied to your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). To be eligible, you must be 16 years of age by June 30. You must have completed a Grade 10 Science, Academic or any Grade 11 university (U), university/college (M), or college (C) preparation course in the science curriculum. Preference will be given to grade 11 students that are returning to school for at least one semester.

Please direct any questions about the Summer Mentorship Program to oao.outreach@utoronto.ca

Research Exploration Opportunity (REO) at UofT over March Break

Looking for something fun and exciting to do over March Break? The STEM Fellowship provides high school students, particularly those from traditionally underrepresented communities in STEM, with the opportunity to experience research in a university laboratory during their spring break. 

It all takes place over one week; the program enables students to explore the world of research, immerse themselves in the process of scientific inquiry, and discover pathways into the field. 

It's completely free! The deadline to sign up is January 12, 2024. You can register here!


Learn from graduate students at U of T! They will mentor you all year, and you get to attend cool information sessions from November to May.

If you're interested in STEM, either as a hobby or a possible post-secondary focus, this is a great opportunity for you!

There is an information session on October 5th. Click here for more information and registration! Deadline to sign up is October 25th. 

The Youth Arts Program celebrates the incredible artistic talents of young Ontarians aged 12-18. 

Each year, youth from across the province are invited to display their works of art throughout the Legislative Building, showcasing their creativity and diverse artistic abilities. 

Artwork submitted consists of various media, including photography; sculptures; ceramics, and pottery; drawings in ink, pencil and charcoal; acrylic, oil and watercolour paintings. 

Imagine your work on display in the Queen's Park! Sure would be cool, and would probably work well for applications for post-secondary...

There are no deadlines for applications listed yet, but check out the website for more information!

Join Earth Ranger Teens, a free program for teenagers who want to make a positive impact on the environment by leading community-based projects. By completing these projects, you will contribute to building environmentally resilient communities where no one is left behind. 

You will connect with others, unlock your leadership skills, and make a difference in the world.

You might also be able to get volunteer hours!

Check their website for more!

YTP Workshops Offered.pdf

Sunnybrook Hospital Ultrasound Lab Summer Program


The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement in collaboration with Sunnybrook Hospital, invites Black self-identifying students in Grades 11 & 12 who are considering post-secondary studies in the field of health science and engineering, to attend the Sunnybrook Hospital Ultrasound Lab Summer Program information session on Jan 30, 2022, 6-7PM.


The Focused Ultrasound High School Summer Research Program is an eight-week paid opportunity, where students will:

Please share this registration link with students and families to learn more.


We appreciate your support in connecting Black self-identifying students this amazing opportunity with Sunnybrook Hospital.  It would be great to maximize the level participation begin offered to TDSB students.