SWAC Courses

What courses will I take in SWAC?

SWAC is a full-time, in-person program that offers a set package of courses.

Students have ONE SWAC Teacher from the TDSB assigned to this program to not only teach but provide full wrap around support of each student at SWAC. 

Students are enrolled into 4 set courses:

Course 1: English (ENG4C, ENG4U or OLC4O) or Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership  (PLF4M - George Brown Only)- Taught by SWAC Teacher 

Course 2: Learning Strategies (GLS4OR, GLE4OR or GLN4OR) - Taught by SWAC Teacher

Course 3: Dual Credit (This is selected by the College, and offered to the entire SWAC cohort) - Taught by College Professor

Course 4: Dual Credit (This is selected by the College, and offered to the entire SWAC cohort) - Taught by College Professor

Students have the opportunity to earn a 5th or 6th credit through credit recovery. This is dependent on your academic transcript history, and what are teachers are able to recover. 

There is some flexibility based on student needs, this may include a reduced package of courses*, additional dual credit, support with programming outside of SWAC (night school, e-learning etc.)

*Students enrolled in SWAC must be enrolled in at least one TDSB credit, and at least one Dual Credit.

Each site may have some slight differences from what is listed above, please use the menu above to learn more about each site

GLS/E4OR & Credit Recovery 

This learning strategies course focuses on the learning skills required to be successful in the dual credit courses. In addition, a strong emphasis is put on responsibility and completing college level material with support. We also provide students the opportunity to recover credits (students can recover 1-2 credits during their time with us)

Dual Credits

Students are enrolled as a group in 2 Dual Credits. These courses are specifically assigned to the SWAC program and are separate from regular Dual Credits. The SWAC Dual Credits are not open courses. Each campus has at least 2 dedicated SWAC Dual Credits to ensure that only SWAC students will be in these Dual Credit Classes. 

What is a dual credit? Click here to learn more