10 Key Instructional Strategies for Students with ASD:

  1. support verbal information with visuals

  2. include explicit teaching of information

  3. provide opportunities for the student to prepare and rehearse

  4. build in flexible timelines for task participation and completion

  5. chunk long activities into smaller segments

  6. encourage use of technology to complete a task

  7. provide repetition and regular routines

  8. provide clear information about task expectations

  9. provide warnings before transitions or changes to routines

  10. cultivate a relationship with the family

10 Key Instructional Strategies for Students with ADHD:

  1. Closely monitor and provide positive reinforcement to encourage success

  2. Use a Tracking Sheet or Graphic Organizer to keep track of assignments

  3. Break up tasks into workable and obtainable steps

  4. Provide samples of completed assignments

  5. Reduce workload

  6. Rephrase and repeat information and instructions

  7. Check for understanding by having the student repeat the instructions

  8. Allow time for processing

  9. Encourage student(s) to sit near their Classroom Teacher

  10. Students should be provided extra-time to complete assignments or tests.

The Gateway includes definitions of key special education terms, and can be used as a practical guide for teachers building Individual Education Plans (IEPs). To access the Teachers' Gateway to Special Education, go to

Understanding Learning Disabilities by the York Region District School Board

SS-Referral Process-Chart.pdf
2017 2018 Procedures for Meetings through Special Services (1).docx

The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO), with support from the Ontario Ministry of Education's Special Education Policy & Programs Branch, has developed a bilingual online resource designed to provide Ontario educators with meaningful information to help support students with learning disabilities, known as LD@school/T​A@l'é​cole; these online resources can be ​accessed at and

CADDRA is a Canadian non-profit association. We are a coalition of health professionals who support patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their families.

Who we are

CADDAC is a Canadian national charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with ADHD through ADHD awareness, education and advocacy.

Classroom Accommodations for specific Impairments-converted.docx