The DD/ME program at St. Mary Catholic Academy is vibrant! It is full of loving Teachers and Educational Support Staff who are passionate about the students with whom they work. The program aims to build personal life skills through community exploration and outside work experience where they learn to navigate the TTC in everyday public life. They also gain valuable work skills to enhance their daily living abilities. As well, the students are active inside the school helping with activities such as our Breakfast Program where they learn about nutrition and food preparation, and our recycling program, where they support the ECO Team.

At St. Mary Catholic Academy student happiness is very important. Through experiences like swimming, bowling, field trips, and monthly themed events at other schools, students find joy doing these activities with their friends. They are also able to build confidence and gain a stronger awareness of others and, also, learn appropriate behavior in various social situations. The outcome of the program is a more-prepared, and developed student who is better-equipped to live a full and happy life.