St. Mary Catholic Academy 



Land Acknowledgement  

Out of our deep respect for Indigenous peoples in Canada, we acknowledge that all Toronto Catholic District School Board properties are situated upon traditional territories of the Anishinabek (a-ni-shna-bek), the Haudenosaunee (hoh-Dee-noh-Shoh-nee) Confederacy, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the land covered by Treaty 13 is held by the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and Toronto is subject to The Dish with One Spoon covenant. We also recognize the contributions and enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples in Ontario and the rest of Canada. 


The Special Education Department is fully-alive and aware of the great variation in the needs of its students.


In the ISP classes the primary focus is building and developing social and personal life skills.  Learning occurs not only inside our classroom, but, also, outside - in our community.


Our long-range goal is to support our Exceptional students in becoming happy, confident, and responsible citizens.


Exceptional students are valued and closely monitored by members of our Special Education Department.


We strive to create an inclusive environment at St. Mary Catholic Academy.  Our students are integrated into a variety of classes where all can share and learn from each other.

2022 Open House General Poster (1).pdf

Students will need to access these applications with their TCDSB accounts. For students who need assistance logging into one of these applications, you can access video instructions at the following links:  

·   Zoom How-To Instructions  

·   Brightspace/D2L Login Instructions 

·   Google How-To Instructions