Academic and Mental Health Supports

Student engagement is contingent to a large degree upon student mental health and wellbeing.

Student mental health is inextricably tied to student engagement and achievement. This strategy recognises that mental health is critical in the promotion of student success and wellbeing.

TCDSB’s Mental Health Strategy will endeavour to address this fundamental area in an effort to assist our students to reach their fullest potential.

There may be times at which you need or wish to access support your own mental health needs. As such, we are including a list of resources here to support you. The entire staff at Notre Dame are committed to helping each student feel safe, secure and accepted. If you ever need help, please do not hesitate to ask!


Head of Guidance: Ms. Coleman - alpha A-J

Guidance Counselor: Ms. McGowan - alpha K-Z

Youth Worker: Ms. De Sousa -

Guidance Secretary: Ms. Gonsalves-Prabhu -

School Social Worker: Ms. Passos-Gold -

Student Success Initiatives_2019-2020.pdf

student success

At Notre Dame, we are committed to supporting students towards their academic success. From peer tutoring to one-on-one help with a subject or special education teacher, there are lots of ways to access help in any subject.