Information FOr September 2021

CHECK OUT THE information BELOW TO HELP you in September!


You asked, and we answered! Here's a short instructional video to help you learn how to open your lock. If you have any trouble during the school year, don't hesitate to ask a teacher for help!


You have probably heard by now that you'll need a scientific calculator for high school.

When completing evaluations at Notre Dame, you won't be allowed to use your phone, or any wearable technology (i.e. smart watches, etc...), for its calculator function. You have to use a standard scientific calculator, hence it would be a good idea to purchase one before school starts.

Therefore, if you haven't already purchased a calculator, check out the attached links to Staples and Walmart. I have included brands that I like using (Sharp and Casio), and specific models that will be helpful when you're taking math and science classes at Notre Dame.

Anonymous Alerts App

School Cash Online


Regular day schedule

This is the schedule followed on most school days. Please note that you should always be at school by 8:20 AM as school starts at 8:30 AM.

LITURGY schedule

This is the schedule on days when there is a liturgy that is hosted at St. John's Church

pLC schedule

This is the schedule followed during days where Professional Learning Communities meet at the beginning of the school day.

aSSEMBLY schedule

This is the schedule on days when there is an afternoon assembly - typically a Spirit Assembly as organized by Student Council or our Student Athletic Council.