French Programs

"To have another language is to possess a second soul." – Charlemagne

core and extended french programs

In both of our Core French and Extended French programs, students will communicate and interact with growing confidence in French, one of Canada’s official languages, while developing the knowledge, skills, and perspectives they need to participate fully as citizens in Canada and in the world.

In all French as a Second Language programs at Notre Dame, students realize the vision of the FSL curriculum as they strive to:

  • use French to communicate and interact effectively in a variety of social settings;

  • learn about Canada, its two official languages, and other cultures;

  • appreciate and acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community;

  • be responsible for their own learning, as they work independently and in groups;

  • use effective language learning strategies;

  • become lifelong language learners for personal growth and for active participation as world citizens

The Extended French Program

The Extended French Program is offered to those students who have completed the Extended French program from Grade 5-8. Throughout their high school years, students will earn 7 OSSD credits taken in French. These include français in grades 9-12, and one additional course in grades 9-11. The second French grade 9 course is religion.

*Students successfully completing all courses offered in the Extended French Program will receive an Extended French Certificate with Specialization in their graduating year.

The Core French Program

The Core French Program is open to all students. Notre Dame offers grade 9 applied and academic French, grade 10 academic French, grade 11 university French and grade 12 university of Advanced Placement French.

*Students successfully completing all four French courses from Grade 9 to Grade 12 will receive a Core French Certificate in their graduating year.

❝If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in
his own language, that goes to his heart.❞ ‒ Nelson Mandela

Advantages to Learning a Second Language

Learning another language helps students:

  • strengthen their problem-solving, reasoning and creative thinking skills

  • develop their understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures

  • increase their competitiveness in an increasingly global job market

  • enhance their first-language and overall literacy skills

(French as a Second Language, Ontario Ministry of Education)