Annotated Bibliography

First Nations, Metis and Inuit 

This bibliography was meant to focus on making connections to three areas; Big Ideas; Language Arts Curriculum and Catholic Graduate Expectations 


A letter to teachers on treaty education

What Can I Contribute to Meaningful Reconciliation? 

Indigenous peoples is one of many collective names used to refer to the original inhabitants of Canada and their descendants.  The Canadian Constitution recognizes th First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people as the three distinct Indigenous groups within Canada. These groups have their own individual histories, traditions, language, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs.  Indigenous peoples in Canada are considered to be the fastest growing population, with approximately 1.4 million people identifying themselves as Indigenous. As Canadians, we are encouraged to learn more about the people and communities we share this land with. 

Reconciliation Closing Program

The closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.   RESOURCE


Tebatchimowin – an Algonquin word rooted in teboai, meaning truth. It is a complete account or report on an event or subject 

Promoting awareness of the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School System.

Indigenous feel racism’s sting in Canada

See article HERE