Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans

Beads, they’re sewn so tight, guest curated by Lisa Myers, is an exhibition of work by four contemporary artists who innovate in the field of beading and quillwork. In beadwork, threads create structure and hold beads together, creating a seemingly invisible scaffold. As metaphor and as material, they unite form, design and meaning. Beads, they’re sewn so tight takes up the depths of social and political relations embedded in the visual language of pattern and surface design including living traditions with an emphasis on family and community networks.


Lindy Kinoshameg, YPT’s Community Engagement Facilitator, shares activities and ways of being, from an Indigenous point of view. Resource here

ImagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts

Since our first Festival in 2000, the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival has programmed film, video, radio and digital media works made by Canadian and international Indigenous media artists in key creative roles as producers, directors, and/or writers. In programming these works over the years, imagineNATIVE has embraced works from Indigenous creators that push artistic boundaries to represent a diversity of ideas, themes and genres in our programming, seeking representations of subjects that would not necessarily be made available through mainstream forms of media. In keeping with our artistic policy, the Festival prioritizes works that balance and present: unique and new perspectives expressed within the content of the work; cultural, community and social relevance; a creative approach to form characterized by innovative expression; distinctive style; personal vision; and a practice of crossing aesthetic borders in terms of genre, medium and emerging content platforms. imagineNATIVE is a Festival that supports the diverse artistic visions and perspectives of Indigenous artists working in the media arts; works selected for programming do not need to have overt Indigenous content or themes. As identified in our mission statement, imagineNATIVE is committed to dispelling stereotypical notions of Indigenous peoples through diverse media presentations from within our communities, thereby contributing to a greater understanding by all audiences of Indigenous artistic expression.

Founded by Cynthia Lickers-Sage and Vtape with the help of other community partners, imagineNATIVE is now the largest festival of its kind and an international hub for creative excellence and innovation in the media arts. In addition to the Festival, the Centre for Aboriginal Media (imagineNATIVE’s legal name) also presents the annual imagineNATIVE Film + Video Tour and the indigiFLIX Community Screening Series, which extend our mandate to present Indigenous-made works year round. imagineNATIVE is committed to paying industry-standard artists fees for all our initiatives. For more information on our mandate and the organization, please visit our website.

Indigenous Voices & Reconciliation