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Diane Montreuil

Diane has been a Metis Knowledge Keeper and artist for over 30 years. She studied and apprenticed with a number of Indigenous elders, in particular one from the Eastern Cherokee Nation, whom she calls Grandmother. Over the last 20 years, Diane has traveled with her and other Elders and Knowledge Keepers, helping others and sharing her wisdom through participating in and facilitating workshops. She has worked with the TCDSB, TDSB and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Diane is the co-founder of Dancing Deer, an Indigenous craft company focusing on hand made native arts and crafts. Diane was also part of Manitou Kwe Women’s group. Manitou Kwe means “women spirit singers” and they perform traditional drumming and singing. Diane continues to draw, sketch and paint her original artworks to keep the sacredness of the traditional ways. Her artwork been exhibited in Canada and the USA

Talking stick - Painting session with Diane Montreuil – special interest to French Immersion and Extended French. Students will be given instruction in French to gather materials from both nature and in their homes to create a decorated "Talking Stick". Throughout the session, Diane will direct students in both the Art form and in her Metis Culture.

Un Atelier créatif avec Diane Montreuil Métis visuel artiste sur la façon de créer un bâton de parole/A creative workshop with Diane Montreuil Metis Visual Artist on how to do a talking stick

Venez apprendre et comprendre le but d’un bâton de parole, et voir les différentes façons de le faire. Cette atelier sera d’une durée de 1 heure 1/2/Come learn and understand the purpose of a talking stick, see the different ways to do one. This workshop will be 1.5 hours

Materiaux requis/Needed materials

Option idéale/Ideal option:

1 bâton de bois (branche) d’un arbre entre 10 et 12 pouces de long x 3/4" épais. Ou bien un morceau de bois de la plage. De la peinture acrylique – de différente couleurs, couteau à lame tranchant ou couteau, papier sabler fin, petit récipient pour de l’eau et un papier sabler fin,

1 wood stick(branch) from a tree - 10 inches to 12 inches long x ¾ inch thick. Or a driftwood piece of wood. Acrylic paints - different colours, cutter blade or sharp knife, fine sandpaper, small container of water, and paper towel.

Option Alternative/Alternative Option.

1 bâton de bois (branche) d’un arbre entre 10 et 12 pouces de long x 3/4" épais. Ou bien un morceau de bois de la plage. Couteau à lame tranchant ou couteau, papier sabler fin, fil de coton ou de laine et colle.

1 wood stick(branch) from a tree - 10 inches to 12 inches long x ¾ inch thick or driftwood piece, cutter blade or sharp knife, fine sandpaper, fabric thread, and glue


Diane's Art Collection

Board member of the MNOC (Metis Nation of Canada).

Diane became a self-taught artist/painter influenced by the Woodland School Style after responding to the call of her Ancestors. An inner longing for the traditional ways of her Indigenous culture was the beginning of an artistic adventure that led to the real self-discovery and brought spiritual healing that continues to this day. All paintings are dedicated to our Grandmothers and Elders and for keeping the teachings alive for the next generation and for people to understand our Indigenous culture.