Part 4

Coming Together Through Stories

Part four of this unit is focused on students sharing the stories they collected from their elders via interviews with their classmates. Students will be encouraged to use multi-modal ways of communicating their information to their peers and will be given support for whatever medium they choose. The unit will close out with a whole-group reflection that connects to part one's Toolbox for Resilience.

Lesson 1: Creating to Share Stories

This mini-lesson will focus on providing students with guidance and time to plan for how to creatively share what they learned after hearing the stories of their elders. Students will be allowed to select their mode for sharing. They can write a poem, share a video, create a piece of art, etc.

Lesson Plan

Part 4 Lesson 1: Creating to Share Stories


Final Project Poem Example.pdf
Final Project Example - Art Project.mp4
Final Writing Project Example.pdf
Teacher How-To_Creating A Padlet.pdf

Lesson 2: Coming Together Through Stories

This mini-lesson will provide students with guidance on how to share and learn from their classmates. After prepping students on how to engage with classmates and the stories they hear, students will share what they learned from their elders and create a new routine of coming together through stories.

Lesson Plan

Part 4 Lesson 2: Coming Together Through Stories


Class Meeting Agreements_Blank.pdf
Class Meeting Agreements_Lined.pdf

Lesson 3: Toolbox for Resilience

This mini-lesson is meant to serve as a closing for the project and bridge to the initial intention of the project outlined in part one. Teachers will debrief with students, summarizing what they learned from their students. Students will get a chance to share what they learned through the process and learn about how to add their final projects to the classroom wide “toolbox for resilience”.

Lesson Plan

Part 4 Lesson 3: Toolbox of Resilience


Final Reflection_Blank.pdf
Final Reflection_Lined.pdf