
How did you display a ‘Effort’ in our Gymnastics and Football Units this term? (Explain and give examples)

By trying harder when I found something hard. Like with the one where we had to jump over the block I was finding it hard to get onto it but I tried harder and got onto it.

How has ‘Effort’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job...etc (Explain and give examples)

When I was applying for a job I had to put in alot of effort into my application and it payed off because I got the job and now I have lots of money.

How does ‘Effort’ affect each dimension of your Hauora?

Physical Well-being: It helps me when working out to not stop and push through those last minutes of the workout.

Mental and Emotional Well-being: It helps me when I think I can't do something and makes me push through and complete it.

Social Well-being: It helps me when I'm playing a board game with my family and when I'm losing to try harder and try to win

Spiritual Well-being: It helps me get out of bed in the morning when I don't really want to.