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In my opinon Caleb Maddix is a very awsome person to write about beacuse he was well on his way to become a millionare at the age of 14!!! Caleb Maddix is now 17 years old and now the co-founder of a $30,000,000 education company and makes over $8,000,000 per year. He has written 11 books about success and how to make money, and also has a youtube channel teaching people how to make your first $100, $10,000 and even how to make your first $100k as a kid. Caleb maddix is an interesting and insperational person to write about.

Caleb Maddix has a multi millionare dollar businuss and at some point people are always trying to bring others down, but Caleb Maddix looked past that and saw his success within his reach and he is probleby laughing on all his haters who are below him.

The way I showed perseverance is just resently when I pulled a muscle and I was in crutches my whole family went down to the beach, I didn't want to go because I was in pain but I went down anyway with my crutches. I didn't achive anything but I hada feeling that I did what was right even when it was unnesseiry.

How did Perseverance help me in working towards my Goal this term?

When I was juggling with a football I got from max 2 juggles to max 12. Perseverance helped when I got frustrated because the ball kept on rolling down the driveway but I kept pushing.

How did Perseverance help me in other areas of my life (outside of PE lessons)?

When I pulled my muscle I carried on with school when it was hard to stay sitting, but didn’t do my WOD because well I was injured

3. How does Perseverance affect each dimension of your Hauora?

Mental - made my mindset more open

Physical - when you push through and complete your goal it becomes muscle memory

Relationship - you can feel proud when talking to someone about your goal

Spiritual - when you complete something you feel strong in your spirit