
I have displayed effort this year in PE. At the beginning of the year, I was pretty keen with my PE, but did not go as hard as I could, and put in a full effort. As the year has progressed however, my effort levels have gone up. I Enjoy PE more because I try as hard as I can, and go full out, even on sports I do not enjoy as much. I feel like I am a valuable team member because of my effort.

Effort has had a positive impact on other parts of my life. This year, I have been going out on more runs, and trying to become fitter. Effort has played a key part in me being able to get my times down, and my fitness levels up. I try as hard as I can and push to the limit. For our school's cross country, I was batter than before because of the effort I displayed in my fitness.

Effort has impacted each dimension of my Hauora in a positive way.

Physical: I have pushed much harder and put more effort in to my physical activity. I also put effort into keeping myself healthy and well. Instead of having whatever is in the cupboard, I put effort into having something healthy.

Mental/Emotional: I have put effort into cheering my cricket team while we play. Usually, when something bad happens for the team, I drop my head and do not talk or put effort into the game. However, I have put more effort into keeping my head up high and cheering my team on as we play. In turn, this helps me feel good when I play cricket.

Social: Effort has helped my social Hauora because I never used to make an effort with my friends/whanau for their birthdays. after putting a bit of effort in this year, I have got them great presents, and tried to make them feel good on their special days.

Spiritual: Before, I would never put any effort into Church. I would sit in the service and doodle on the clipboards for notes. Now, I have put more effort in, and learnt so much more. I am so interested with all the different people and places I am hearing about.