Positive attitude 

How did you display a ‘Positive Attitude’ on Y9 Camp and how did this help you on camp? (Explain and give examples)

I think I displayed a lot of positive attitude at the camp because for the first activity we had to make a tunnel and make the entire team go through it in 15 minutes and our team was the first people to get them all under and out without the sand falling on top of them. I think we achieved this because we showed teamwork, tell each other the best way to get under and had fun we all thought it was funny to go through the hole.

How does having a ‘Positive Attitude’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job...etc  (Explain and give examples)

if you are positive your life will be better because you are focussing on the good parts of your life instead of the bad and if you give a positive vibe to people around you they will try to match the same mood/emotion and everyone will have a better day. if you are in sports you give the team a positive attitude for them to play in and it will make the game even better than it is.

How does having a positive attitude affect each dimension of your Hauora?

Mental health: You will be happier and live a better life if you have a positive attitude toward everything.

Spiritual health: it can help you reduction of stress, blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, combined with an increase in social interaction and gaining immune system strength.

Physical health: If you are positive about how you look and eat healthily, you will get a long way in life.

Whānau: You will become respected a lot more in the family and you are most likely to become a favourite in your family but you will make their day better if you have a positive attitude.