Positive attitude

Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.09 AM.mov

How does having a positive attitude affect each dimension of your Hauora?

Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.17 AM.mov

Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.05 AM #2.mov

How does having a ‘Positive Attitude’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job...etc (Explain and give examples)

Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.16 AM.mov
Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.14 AM.mov
Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.08 AM.mov

How did you display a ‘Positive Attitude’ on Y9 Camp and how did this help you on camp? (Explain and give examples)

Movie on 1-04-19 at 9.08 AM.mov