6 November 2013

Curation and Core Handling Lab Working Group Minutes



Present: Brad Julson, Chieh Peng, Lisa Crowder, Amy McWilliams, Katerina Petronotis, Carlos Zarikian, Margaret Hastedt, Tim Bronk, John Firth, Chad Broyles, Gemma Maxwell, Phil Rumford

Item 1: 346 issues

Murray - drilled intervals - should be covered by development of new core module – Carlos will reply to Murray.


Item 2: LIME project - labeling issues

Meeting held to discuss this issue on 12/11/13. Action items emailed to those concerned on 12/12/13. Expected completion - Jan 2014.


Item 3: Core Entry Module for SampleMaster

Phil to develop a Balsamiq mock-up with drillers etc. during visit to ship in Jan, should have something ready for LWG to review upon return.


Item 4: Data migration from JANUS to LIMS for all legacy cores down to section half & SaDR update

Phil/John to put in a project proposal hopefully before next LWG meeting, only data from the Expeditions whose cores reside at the GCR will require migration. Within that group we may also be able to prioritize the data migration by individual Expedition.


Item 5: Vacuum equipment and supplies

Phil described a vacuum system that could be used on ship and shore to not only vacuum seal sections, but also flush with nitrogen before sealing.

Action: Phil will purchase a machine and supplies for the GCR. This will allow the shipboard team to evaluate it for use at sea. Expected delivery - Jan 2014.


Item 6: New type of shrink equipment designed for the ship

Phil described a compact method/equipment of hand sealing cores with shrink film. It was thought that this would be appropriate for wrapping cores on the ship where space is at a premium.

Action: The shipboard team decided that this was not a particularly good idea, and that they would prefer to continue shrink-wrapping with a heat gun.


Item 7: Stocking of film and vacuum bags on the ship

The LWG discussed stocking levels of materials on the ship in the light of the recent (346) Expeditions short fall.

Action: The LWG decided to order shrink tubing for the ship to replace saran wrap. Phil is to investigate cost and availability.


Item 8: Bagging machine for MBIO lab - Phil show and tell

Phil described a new automatic bagging machine that might have a use with respect to the collection of MBIO samples – hands free operation, gas flushing and so forth.

Action: The LWG decided that this was not something they wanted to pursue at this time.


Item 9: Writing on d-tubes - Bill Mills

Bill Mills asked if we could discontinue the practice of writing core section information on the d-tube.

Action: The LWG decided that this was a good idea, and recommended that we discontinue the practice forthwith.


Item 10: Thin section naming convention for thin sections in the LIMS database - Peter Blum

Peter wanted to come to some consensus about the naming convention for thin sections in the LIMS database. It appears that there are inconsistencies.

Action: Subsequent to this LWG, meetings have been held between the curation staff, Peter, pubs, and other interested parties to iron out the issue. Chad will be compiling a document to summarize the output from those meetings on/before 1/10/14. It will be presented at the next LWG meeting.


Additional Item - Katerina – Google Site Index

Katerina mentioned that it was difficult to know where and what is available on the IODP Google sites. She thought perhaps an index or search function might be useful and appropriate.

Action: Phil to bring up at IT meeting. Jim Rosser created an index of sites. If you select the Sites icon from the menu and select Browse Sites you can see all the sites available.


The Curation LWG site can be found at:
