
The location and style of services change across the Tamar Valley Benefice each week to enable the expression of our faith in different ways. The service time table can be found below along with the service descriptions

January  |  February  |  March  |  April  |  May  |  June  

 July  |  August  |  September  |  October  |  November  |  December 

Types of Services 

To find the right service for you please see descriptions below 

Cornish Evening Prayer

Held on the 1st Sunday of every month at 3pm (winter) & 6pm (summer) at Halton Quay, Cornish Evening Prayer offers a quiet service relecting traditional Cornish themes and spirituality

Online Worship

Worship@Ten (1st Sunday) & Morning Praise are services with contemporary music and exploration of scripture.

For more info contact:

Contemporary Celtic Worship

A monthly service giving a taste of Christianity as it was first brought to Cornwall, focussing on God's creation & engaging us in a new way using technology & contemporary music.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a more formal service, with readings and prayers and hymns. We give thanks over bread and wine which remind us of the Last Supper which Jesus shared with His disciples the night before He died. As we do we are celebrating with other Christians (seen and unseen) and in the presence of the risen Jesus Himself.

Family Service

Our Family services are an all-age service lasting about 45 minutes. Some of the music, and prayers are aimed at a younger congregation. Baptisms are usually held in these services.

Family Communion

Family Communion services are held when there are families and children present. They aim to be accessible to people unfamiliar with communion, or formal church services. They are usually held for baptisms and at festivals, such as Christmas and Easter.

Morning Praise

Morning Praise is a service of readings, prayers and hymns with a short talk, & is usually lay-led.

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer from Common Worship is a said service that includes liturgy, readings & prayer.


Evensong services follow Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (1662). Usually sung, sometimes lead by a choir.

Please note that our services may be lead by one of our Ministry Team. For more information on our team please click here