In the community

As you go, proclaim the good news, “The kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. - Matthew 10.8

Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus who talked with, touched, healed and cared for the needy. It's very easy to put money in a tin; we are called to take an interest in the work of charities and to support them in other ways. Each parish has been asked to identify a charity for which we can help raise awareness (this may or may not include fundraising). The charities 'adopted' so far are delighted to have their profile raised in this way.

Our congregations are also involved with other local projects and charities, in particular the Callington Food Bank.

Debt Help and Christians Against Poverty (CAP) 

More details will appear presently.

For Traidcraft, please contact Mrs Edre Harrison 01822 833500.