Fathers Day 2023

Prayers written by St Mellion School Children for the  Fathers' Day Service at Pillaton taken by the Archdeacon.

Dear Lord thank for giving me life and for the best dad. Amen 

Dear Lord, thank you for our Dads, who stay with us and play. They always make every day so fun whether we are in the sun or shut in the house. We love them, they love us back. Amen

Dear God. Thank you for my Dad. He's great but not as great as you because you created him who created me and made me who I am. Amen 

Dear Lord. Thank you for my amazing dad and all the love he gives me. My dad takes me for bike rides and days out to the beach. Amen 

Dear God. Thank you for giving me the perfect rematched father. Sorry for getting angry at him sometimes. Please help me to see my real father sometime. Amen.