
Term 2 Week 7

Text: The Great Barrier Reef (See it while you can)

Monday - page 40

After reading:

Watch this video clip.

Create a DLO to explain what a coral reef is and show at least 10 species who live there . Also explain what coral is.

Tuesday - page 41

Create a DLO that shows

1) where the Great Barrier Reef is on a map. Show where some other coral reefs are.

2) how ocean acidification happens

Wednesday - Page 42-43

In your own words, explain

1) what coral are made of

2) what coral need to survive

3) how coral eat

4) how a coral reef grows over time

Thursday - Page 44

Explain what coral bleaching is, and how/why it happens.

Friday - Page 45

  • Explain what 'ph of 8.1' means. You might want to include a picture of the PH scale to help explain.
  • How does having more carbon dioxide in the ocean hurt the coral reef?

Tuesday - Page 46

  • How do the scientists study the reef? What are they trying to show or figure out?
  • Why are the NZ scientists testing in an "artificially acidified sea water" - what does this mean?

Wednesday - Page 47

  • Where does NZ cold-water coral grow? How far down? Why can't NZ have tropical coral?
  • How do scientists get the cold water coral so they can study it?

Thursday - Page 48

  • Make a DLO showing 'before and after' type photos of coral reefs. Make a screencast and explain how coral reefs are damaged using your own words.

Term 1 Week 8-10, Term 2 Weeks 1-6

WALT make connections between and across texts

Learning tasks linked on the 'Inquiry' page of this site.

Term 1 Week 7

WAL understand what we read

Term 1 Week 4

WAL understand what we read

Link to text 'Explorers of the sunrise' - link to audio file

  • Create own map/timeline of the voyage, including lists of who would have gone, what they would have had to take (including food, clothing)
  • Create an infographic about how they navigated using 'traditional' methods

Term 1 Week 3

WAL understand what we read

Link to text 'Breathless' - link to audio file

  • Listen to the story by yourself and follow along before coming to the group
  • Read together as a group
  • Comprehension questions with teacher
  • Draw a picture of the main character and add characteristics about them

Term 1 Week 2

WAL about Hauora and other models of health

  • Read through these slides with a buddy.
  • Discus as a class any words or phrases you don't understand and clarify with each other (teacher to give meaning if no students know).
  • Use the printed picture of an octopus to rewrite a short summary of each of the 8 aspects IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Glue this into your writing book.