Term 4 - Smart Media

Fractions Level 2 TPS


  1. File and make a copy of the slides. Level 1 or Level 2.

  2. Remember to put them in your Cybersmart folder!

  3. Complete the activities in the slides and share them on your blog


Today we will be learning the basics of code!

Click here to access Scratch

Fractions and Decimals TPS


  1. File and make a copy of the slides. Remember to put them in your Cybersmart folder!

  2. Complete the activities in the slides and share them on your blog

Smart Relationships: Quality Blog Comments

Quality Comments

  1. Identify top tips for quality blogging with your classmates

  2. Use these tips while we practice commenting on some film festival movies

Term 3 - Smart Relationships

Learning to Code

Today we will be learning to code!

Click here to access Scratch

Smart Footprint

WALT: Leave a smart footprint

Smart Relationships: Quality Blog Comments

WALT: write a quality blog comment

Term 2 - Smart Learners creating Smart Footprints

SF: BLOG Profile

WALT: Think about what a SMART FOOTPRINT is...

Create an explanation (about a paragraph) of what YOU think a SMART FOOTPRINT is and post it on your BLOG...then comment on someone else's blog post.

WALT: Update our GOOGLE PROFILE picture

Google Hangout Profile Picture:

  • A profile picture is the image that represents a social media account in all its interactions across a platform. Profile pictures create a visual association for users, and a positive digital footprint.

  • Present your "best self" in a positive way that enables others to see you how you want to be seen.

C19 - Cybersmart Activities

Cardboard Masks

Leaf Art Challenge; Learn, Create, Share.

Create any animal using leaves from your garden...take a picture...Share it with Miss L...Learn and blog 3 new facts about your animal

WALT - be kind. Share your word with Miss L and she can post them when the jar is full on the class blog

C19 Creature

1. Create a C19 creature with a different HEAD / BODY / LEGS / WINGS / FINS / TAIL and combine the name of all the animals you have used to re-name your new C19 creature and share with Miss L.

2. Create a collaborative C19 creature with a different HEAD / BODY / LEGS / WINGS / FINS / TAIL and combine the name of all the animals you have used to re-name your new C19 creature and share with Miss L to post on the class blog.

  • You could start the creature, and then share your Google Drawing with a friend, who when they have added their "part" shares it back, or shares it again with another friend, and when complete you then share with Miss L to post onto your class blog.

Illustrate a story or song you can only hear...

Pick a story. Listen to it online. Using Google Drawing create an illustration and share it with Miss L so she can post it on to your class blog (with the title of the story) or using lego make a scene from the story, take a picture and share it with Miss L to post on your class blog.