Task 2: Causes of the pattern

You need to explain the causes of the patterns you have identified in Task 1b. Use the resource booklet to help with your explanation.

Appropriate causes responsible for the global pattern relating to Hip-hop music can include:

Indigenous and ethnic segregation such as Apartheid

Protests i.e. war in Iraq, oil spill

Poverty i.e. in the ghettos,

Social Injustice i.e. Dictatorships, lack of Human Rights

Economic issues

Inequalities i.e. Indigenous groups, women

Changes in Government

A link must be established between the pattern and the cause(s) selected so that the answer is about the explanation of the causes that contribute to the pattern not an elaboration of it. Answers must be global so that examples that are included are from regions or nations across different continents or hemispheres. It must be clear that different parts of the world are mentioned in order to Achieve. Detail refers to specific places (more than just the name of the region) and statistics. This could include the names of countries, groups, population statistics, and dates.