Perspectives: Phil Twyford

Taihoa at Ihumatao says Labour

Thursday, 27 August 2015, 10:51 am

Press Release: New Zealand Labour Party

Taihoa at Ihumatao says Labour

Labour’s housing spokesperson Phil Twyford has called on the Government to rethink its controversial Special Housing Area in Māngere.

Auckland Council is today meeting to discuss the development which borders the Otuataua Stonefield Historic Reserve. This project is to get up to 480 homes and is in a rural part of Mangere called Ihumatao.

“Once again Housing Minister Nick Smith hasn’t done his homework. In his mad rush to roll out Special Housing Areas, Nick Smith has overlooked some serious infrastructure, social and heritage issues in this community,” Phil Twyford says.

“Everyone knows Auckland needs more houses but that is no excuse for riding roughshod over the community.

“Local residents believe the development is not adequately served by infrastructure. They believe the special heritage qualities of the stonefields will be threatened by the development. They also fear their village will be overwhelmed by this large medium-density development on its doorstep.

“Pressure from the Government to roll out Special Housing Areas on the city fringe has prompted the Council to protest at the cost of laying down infrastructure to support these developments.

“Now the stand-off at Ihumatao is more evidence the Government hasn’t properly thought through this process and is certainly not taking the community with them.