Location matters

Otuataua Stonefields is located in Mangere South Auckland see map

The location of Othuataua is important because it is located near the city centre

The area of land located on Oruarangi Road and Ihumatao Quarry Road has been established as an SHA; land that was once Maori land confiscated by the Crown, then transferred to private ownership and occupied by a settler farming family for generations. However the land is still significant to the Ihumatao community. Adjacent to this area of land is the Otuataua Stonefields Historic Reserve, a protected and open public space, a conservation area, and, a unique space meant to be preserved for future generations. Once a Rural zone, this area of land was re­zoned to Future Urban in 2012 through Environment Court proceedings. Fletcher Residential Ltd plans to develop the land and build 350­480 new homes over an 8 year period with a mix of standalone, terraced and duplex dwellings. To develop the SHA the area will need to be re­zoned once more to Residential. The Housing Projects Office is currently in pre­application discussions with Fletchers. No applications have yet been lodged however Fletchers have indicated their intention to do so in the next 6­8 weeks with construction to start at the end of 2015

Key points:

  • Near the city centre
  • in Auckland - Housing crisis
  • In Aotearoa, New Zealand. - Treaty of Waitangi - New Zealand has a history of taking Maori land (Bastion Point, Parihaka, Point England Reserve, Glen Innes)
  • Similar situation in Redfern, Sydney, Australia.