What do we mean by authentic learning?

We can be tempted to assume that because we all use the same words, they mean the same thing, particularly when the words are being widely used - like 'authentic learning'. As we know, this isn't necessarily so! This activity gives groups of teachers a chance to share their understandings of what authentic learning looks like, and to begin to move towards a common core understanding.

This learning sequence includes three parts:

  • Part A: Identify attributes of authentic learning, followed by a 'sort and categorise' strategy
  • Part B: View video stimulus, and reconsider
  • Part C: Synthesise understanding and consider implications.

The Google document titled A1. Attributes of authentic learning, which appears below, will be used throughout Parts A, B and C, to record information at various stages.

Links to the NESA Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum:

Module 1–component 1.1, Module 2– components 2.1, & 2.2 and Module 3– components 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3.

Part A

Identify attributes of authentic learning and then participate in a sort and categorise strategy

This learning process invites participants to individually identify attributes of authentic learning. This is then followed by a sort and categorise strategy which aims to group the list of ideas generated into meaningful categories. The following steps are provided to assist engagement with this process.

  1. Individually, participants think of features they consider are attributes of authentic learning and record one feature on each of three individual post it notes.
  2. Form groups of four to six people, and 'pool' the ideas generated.
  3. Sort and categorise similar ideas into groups and then give each category a title.
  4. The leader of learning should access the Attributes of authentic learning Google document, make a copy, re–name the document with the school name as the prefix and share with all group members for collaboration.
  5. One member of each group should then add the categories identified in the first column of the Attributes of authentic learning Google document.
  6. If a category has already been identified by another group add a +in the second column to indicate that the attribute was also identified by your group.
A1. Attributes of authentic learning

Part B

View the clip provided to stimulate thinking about authentic learning

  1. The adjacent YouTube video clip is a humorous stimulus that provides an opportunity to further stimulate thinking about authentic learning.
  2. View the YouTube video–'I Choose C' as a whole group.
  3. In the same groups as previously formed discuss the following question:
  • How does this point of view add to, challenge, or support our view of authentic learning?

4. As a group identify any further attributes of authentic learning and add these to the list of attributes in the A1. Attributes of authentic learning Google document. Apply the same process as described in Step 6 above.

Part C

Synthesise understanding of the meaning of authentic learning and consider implications

The purpose of this part of the learning sequence is for participants to begin synthesising their understanding of authentic learning and relate this to the school teaching and learning context.

  1. Consider the discussions that have taken place around the attributes of authentic learning. Identify the three or four attributes that are most consistently named.
  2. As a group discuss the implications for teachers and students that these attributes have for teaching and learning. In particular, consider the implications in terms of, knowledge, capabilities, attitudes, classroom practice, and school organisation.
  3. Add the implications identified by the group in the third and fourth column of the A1. Attributes of authentic learning Google document.

This activity has initiated the conversation about what is meant by authentic learning. This open conversation is necessary to build shared understanding in schools and in turn explore what the implications are for school practice. The following activity builds on this initial conversation and aims to situate authentic learning in the real world.

Professional learning in this toolbox activity is linked to the following NSW Professional Standards for Teachers

Standard 1:Know students and how they learn.

Standard descriptor 1.1.2, 1.2.2, 1.5.2