Links to the NESA Professional Standards

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the Australian Professional Standard for Principals, and the Sydney Catholic Schools’ Authentic Learning Statement are symbiotic, offering a number of lenses for educators in Sydney Archdiocesan Schools to fulfil their purpose to “promote continual growth and well being of the whole person; spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.”

The SCS Statement on Authentic Learning seeks to ground the national standards in the charism and context of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney where actions are driven by the imperative that all “have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10. It describes the learning that students in Sydney Catholic Schools will experience as well as the actions that teachers and leaders will take to enable authentic learning to occur.

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the Australian Professional Standard for Principals focus in more detail on the knowledge, skills and understanding expected of effective teachers and leaders in Australian Schools. They provide continuums of professional practice to ensure the integrity, quality and accountability for the profession.

See the explicit alignment between the SCS Statement on Authentic Learning and the NESA Professional Standards for Teachers by selecting the arrow to the right of each aspect of authentic learning. The search function allows you to search to a particular theme or term, while the Standard filter provides the list of authentic learning aspects related to the particular standard.

Teachers enable authentic learning when they: