Secondary Sexuality Education

Here is an overview of sexuality education in CCQ. 

A comprehensive understanding of the foundations of the program.  

Secondary school students experience numerous changes in the area of sexuality: 

These experiences are sources of learning, but they can also encourage students to question themselves when they are exposed to different sources of contradictory information.

Teaching Sexuality Education 

Module 7.2


"The school has a critical role to play in preparing adolescents for their adult roles and responsibilities." 

The school is in an ideal position to provide sexuality education, especially since:

 • students spend a great deal of time in school, and adults at school have a constant, ongoing contact with many of them 

• its infrastructure allows for long-term planning through official or formal programs

 • there are teachers and professionals who are qualified and trusted providers of information for students 

Ministere de l'education et enseignment superieur

Module  7.3

The approach with secondary students

Secondary students need sexuality education that presents them with a positive view of sexuality that integrates all of its dimensions and is based on reliable information. Students have access to different sources of information about sexuality (e.g. peers, family, the media) that may provide information that is sometimes contradictory, incomplete or incorrect.

Sexuality Education needs to

 Sexuality education is rooted in values such as equality between people of different sexes and genders, respect for diversity, respect for people’s physical and psychological integrity, a sense of responsibility, and well-being.

Sexuality education allows teachers to 

Sexuality education allows students to 

ERC and Sexuality Education 2018

Module 7.4

The Ethics and Religious Culture  (ERC) program allows students to :


Sexuality Education (2018)

The elements for Sexuality Education, not necessarily taught in ERC, provides students with relevant, comprehensive, positive, and inclusive sexuality education through various dimensions of human experiences.  Each grade level covers a variety of themes to explore based the the students' age and psychosexual development.  

The themes consist of knowledge of the body, interpersonal relationships, gender stereotypes,  sexual assault prevention, puberty, etc.  

MEQ (2018) Sexuality Education summary table: mandatory themes for secondary students.   

Starting 2023/2024

Sexuality Education & CCQ 

The primary method by which sexuality education is incorporated into the school curriculum is the Culture and Citizenship in Québec program. This includes incorporating age-appropriate information about sexuality and reproductive health into a established curriculum.  This program is part of a broader approach to sexuality education, which is a shared responsibility among the entire school staff and external partners to ensure access to accurate information and support in building critical skills 

While the Culture and Citizenship in Québec program covers aspects of sexuality education, it is just one component of the comprehensive sexuality education provided in the school environment. 

Themes & Concepts of Sexuality Education

Below are reference charts for each cycle that follows the learning intentions in CCQ to understand how and where the themes in sexuality education fit into the CCQ program.    

Sexuality Education and CCQ


CCQ - 2024

Citizenship and Culture in Quebec is rooted  in the fields of sociology and ethical philosophy, which define culture, in the broad sense, as all the symbolic and material manifestations of life in society. 

CCQ is intended to meet three objectives:

1- Prepare to exercise citizenship in Quebec:

 It is the status of being a citizen, which entails specific legal rights, duties, and responsibilities that are not afforded to non-citizens 

2- Aim for recognition of oneself and of others: 

it is related to the principle by which each individual is and must be regarded as equal to others in rights and dignity, regardless of who they are and what their world views may be. 

3- Pursue the common good:

Being able to recognize the interdependence of all people, groups and the environment and being able to establish a collective project structured by secular and democratic views to improve the lives of all people in Quebec.

Starting 2024-2025

Sexuality education & CCQ

The primary method by which sexuality education is incorporated into the school curriculum is the Culture and Citizenship in Québec program. This includes incorporating age-appropriate information about sexuality and reproductive health into an established curriculum.  

This program is part of a broader approach to sexuality education, which is a shared responsibility among the entire school staff and external partners to ensure access to accurate information and support in building critical skills.

While the Culture and Citizenship in Québec program covers aspects of sexuality education, it is just one component of the comprehensive sexuality education provided in the school environment. 

Sexuality Education in CCQ Themes

Module 7.6

CCQ prioritizes a comprehensive, positive, and inclusive view of sexuality. 

Citizenship and Culture in Quebec allows elementary students to acquire knowledge, develop respectful and equalitarian attitudes and behaviors, learn values such as equality between people of different sexes and genders, respect for diversity, respect for people's physical and psychological integrity, a sense of responsibility and well-being.  

Teachers are free to address the themes, subthemes and programs content in any order, however it is recommended that the learning in sexuality education be carefully planned, especially to avoid the most sensitive and intimate issues being addressed too early in the school year or at the very end of the school year.  

Here are the  learning intentions,  good practices, concepts of sex and gender and the CCQ's contribution to the prevention of sexual violence, and the elements of the content which are related to sex and gender, and violence by grade level. 

Sexuality Education 


Module Summary

 Take a moment to reflect on your learning throughout this module.