Exploring the Competencies 

Description: Elementary School : A Competency Adapted to Each Cycle 

In the elementary program, the sociological approach and ethical reflection are not formally distinguished.

Elementary students apply some knowledge and know-how based in sociology and ethics in developing a single competency that becomes more complex as students move from one cycle to the next. 

By the end of elementary school, students should be able to understand and critically examine the cultural realities of Québec.

The Role of Elementary School

Target with an arrow in the middle

This will give you an overview of how CCQ builds on the foundations of sociology and ethics at the elementary level. 

CCQ: Role of elementary school 

Module 3.1

Content Related to the Development of the Competencies 

Module 3.2

Cycle 1: Explores a Cultural Reality (100%)

Target with an arrow in the middle

This module provides a detailed overview of the cycle 1 competency and its components. 

Module 3.3

CCQ: Explores a cultural reality

Cycle 1: Overview of Specific Skills

Express preferences, listening to other, identify and apply. Briefly desribe the situation. Recognize personal and other people's emotions and identify their causes . Justify his/eher intervention with a reason

Cycle 2: Examines a Cultural Reality (100%)

This module provides a detailed overview of the cycle 2 competency and its components. 

Module 3.4

CCQ: Examine a culture reality

Cycle 2: Overview of Specific Skills

Cycle 3: Reflects Critically on a Cultural Reality (100%)

This module provides a detailed overview of the cycle 2 competency and its components. 

Module 3.5

CCQ: Reclect critically on a cultural reality

Cycle 3: Overview of Specific Skills

Summary of the Module & Program

Specific Skills Overview at the Elementary Level 

Module Summary

 Take a moment to reflect on your learning throughout this module.